Reply To: 8 Week Sprint Program (Mar 2022)


    28 Mar

    Mobility & Core

    29 Mar

    A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
    A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
    Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
    Standing Vert – 2 x 6
    Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
    DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
    B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
    B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

    A lot of this is taken from Vert Code Elite.

    31 Mar

    A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
    A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
    Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
    Standing Vert – 2 x 6
    Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
    DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
    B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
    B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

    Same session again but already adapting better to the RLESS isometrics.

    1 Apr

    Mobility & Core

    3 Apr

    Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
    2 x 20m in ~3.4 secs
    2 x 25m in ~4.0 secs
    2 x 30m in ~4.6 secs
    2 x 3 x 80m [25m IL] (5 mins / 8 mins)
    10.63, 10.71, 10.72
    10.63, 10.79, 11.??

    I ditched the tempo for some longer runs based on what I had in my old training logs around March/April time. That’s obviously following an indoor season so not directly comparable, but I wanted to try and jump into an outdoor season training plan.

    I wasn’t surprised that my shorter runs were slower, the RLESS ISO is a real quad killer. From 30-80m takes me an extra 6 secs so ~8.3m/s, I ran low 9’s at Uni and could cover 90m in the time it now takes me to run 80m. It’s hard not to compare to those times but really I’d like to run comfortably under 13 secs to consider going to get an electronic time at an athletics meet.

    It’s still early days and I was so unfit I couldn’t even complete the 6th run without slowing down, so I didn’t even time it.