Reply To: 2021 Training Log

Fraser Young

    19 Oct

    Front Squat – 5 x 55kg, 3 x 62.5kg, 14 x 70kg
    Around The Square – 3 x 4
    Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 40kg

    I’ve been stopping short on the final set but I pushed it more this time, still not to failure though.

    21 Oct

    Straight Leg DL – 5 x 47.5kg, 3 x 52.5kg, 10 x 60kg
    Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 52.5kg
    SL Calf Raises – 3 x 12 x BW

    I bumped the front squat weight but I can go heavier again. I feel like I’m getting in the groove now and can start challenging myself, it’s possible I jump ahead on the 5/3/1 for front squats but probably not.

    24 Oct

    Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (2 mins) in 1:53, 1:53, 1:56, 1:54

    I try to set a tough pace but always run the risk of blowing up and not being able to finish all four reps.