Reply To: 2021 Training Log


    3 August

    DeFranco Daily Dozen

    10 August

    Patrick Step Up – 3 x 15 x 50lb total
    ATG Split Squat – 3 x 12 x 50lb total
    Reverse Nordic (banded) – 3 x 12
    A1 SLRDL – 3 x 12 x 50lb total
    A2 SL Calf Raise – 3 x 12 x BW

    I’ve been in Lithuania 20 June-12 August and had no gym access and barely any free time to do legs. My groin, calves and Achilles feel neglected so I need some TLC in the form of a massage gun and a few consecutive days of DeFranco’s daily dozen and then I can get back to some proper lifting.