Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEKS 64-65

    29 Dec

    Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
    Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
    Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 8
    Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
    Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

    1 Jan 2021

    L-Sit to Tuck to Pulse – 4 x 3
    Advanced Tuck Planche – 5 x 5 secs
    Raised L-Sit (30cm) – 3 x 20 secs

    The advanced tuck was supposed to be 5 x 7 secs but I’m a bit rusty and deconditioned.

    3 Jan

    7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

    I have a list of 12 upper body stretches and I worked through a sample of them to see which ones are best.

    5 Jan

    Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs
    PPPu – 5, 4
    PPPu Negatives – 2 x 8
    Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

    I’ve been dawdling with this one for too long so I’m ramping it up. The goal is a 20 second pseudo waistline hold so I moved it from 5 to 10 seconds and coped quite well. While I’m not racing to complete the full planche in the shortest time, I need some sort of urgency otherwise it will drag on forever.

    7 Jan

    Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
    A1 Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
    A2 Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 9
    Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs (60 secs rest)
    Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

    I had barely any time so I cut a minute rest from each set and supersetted the pull ups and push ups. It went well but fell apart a bit at the handstands, really need to carve out more time for the gym.