Reply To: 2010 Training Log


    Jan 16 AM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    Front Squat
    10 x 81kg
    10 x 85.5kg
    9 x 90kg

    Bench Press
    2 x 7 x 81kg
    6 x 81kg

    ISO HF Hold
    3 x 15 secs

    Jan 19 PM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    Bench Press
    2 x 7 x 83kg
    6 x 83kg

    Jan 21 AM


    2 x 12 x 108.5kg

    5 x 128.5kg
    5 x 130.7kg
    5 x 128.5kg

    Press Ups
    2 x 37

    ISO HF Hold
    3 x 15 secs

    Jan 24 PM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    ISO HS Hold
    3 x 15 secs

    Front Squat
    8 x 87.5kg
    8 x 92kg
    8 x 94.2kg

    Bench Press
    2 x 6 x 85.5kg
    7 x 78.5kg fast

    Standing Plate Twist
    3 x 18 x 13.5kg

    Jan 30 AM

    60m Race

    Race 1 – 7.45. False start in the race didn’t help, made to go the second we got back behind our blocks. Got out well and then at 30m I just didn’t have a top speed to hit and didn’t make any progress through the field.

    Race 2 – 7.47. Two false starts this time. It’s quite simple – you don’t move until the gun goes. 3rd time I got out the worst, good acceleration and four of us were level at around 35m, when I lost composure and tried to muscle it to the finish.

    Frustration venting Deadlift
    5 x 128.5kg
    2 x 5 x 133kg

    Rather annoyed that the false starts weren’t called back until 10m down the track, even if it doesn’t take much out of me it’s still hundredths of a second between a p.b. and angry deadlifts.

    Bench Press
    8 x 78.5kg
    2 x 6 x 85.2kg