Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    Aug 16

    Track Work
    2 x 2 x 25m Flying.
    Blocks 2 x (20, 30, 40m)

    Flying runs first so I was super-fresh for them, then blocks when i’m a little tired to stop me purely muscling it.

    Glute-Ham Raise
    3 x 5

    Full Squats (box 1 1/2 inch higher)
    8 x 78.5kg
    5 x 91kg
    5 x 101kg
    5 x 109kg

    Hard Ab Bridges, 2:15

    Did circuits yesterday and got a nervy pain on the inside of my right thigh doing backwards lunges. It surfaced again during squats and at the bottom of the lift it was causing internal tightness on the outside of my right calf. Quite worrying but hoping it’ll sort itself out.

    Aug 18

    Track Work
    70, 90, 110m falling – 8.29, 10.49, ??
    Blocks 2 x 30, 2 x 40m

    Muscle Ups
    3 x 6

    3 x 20

    Edit: Had a nap and woke up feeling fired up, so…

    Hang Power Cleans
    4 x 73.5kg
    4 x 78.5kg
    4 x 83.5kg
    4 x 88.5kg PB

    Aug 19

    Full Squats

    8 x 108.5kg
    2 x 5 x 116kg
    6 x 113.5kg

    KB Swings

    3 x 10 x 16.5kg

    Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps & 3 mins bridges

    Going to try a flat out 400m on Sunday as a training run, my fitness is at its peak and it’d be nice to know what I can do.

    Aug 21

    Track Work
    150m, 90m (2 mins) 90m, falling. 17.11 =PB, 10.51, 10.50

    There was a track meet on so I couldn’t do a 400 with everyone there, managed a sneaky 150 though.

    A1 DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    25, 20, 20

    Last races of the season on this bank holiday Monday (29th), then a wind down week before two weeks off. I was trying to put pressure on myself to PB but now that the end of the season is in sight I’m going there to have fun and run for the pure enjoyment of competing.

    Aug 24

    Track Work

    2 x 25m Flying runs

    PULLED HAMSTRING. It’s not serious at all as I could feel it starting to go during the build up to the third run, but it’ll be enough to put me out for 3-5 days and consequently hinder/ruin my chances of competing in the final race of my season.

    Think it’s a mild strain/grade 1. I can’t walk without limping and i’m resigned to the fact my season is over.

    Aug 25

    Done as a circuit with 1 min between each exercise and 2 mins at the end of each set

    Shoulder Press
    4 x 9 x 16kg

    4 x 15

    Bicep Curl
    4 x 9 x 38kg

    Lat/Front Raises
    4 x 10 x 5kg

    Press Ups
    4 x 15

    Ab Twists, 3 x 30 x 10kg
    Ab Marching, 3 x 30 x 10kg
    Press up hand walks, 3 x 10

    Aug 27

    Hang Clean
    4 x 81kg
    6 x 81kg

    4 x 10 x 16kg

    Barbell Reverse Lunges
    8 x 28.5kg
    8 x 44.5kg
    8 x 49.5kg
    8 x 54.5kg

    Lunge Jumps
    4 x 8

    SL Hops w DB in hand
    20 x 5kg
    20 x 11kg
    2 x 20 x 16kg

    Didn’t do anything too intensely as my hamstring hasn’t healed yet, hate being injured. SLDL, lunges and lunge jumps were done in a mini circuit with short rest periods and that worked well for me.

    Aug 28

    Shoulder Press
    4 x 10 x 17kg

    4 x 18

    Bicep Curl
    4 x 10 x 39kg

    Lat/Front Raises
    4 x 10 x 5kg/7.5kg

    Press Ups
    4 x 18

    Ab Twists, 3 x 30 x 10kg
    Ab Marching, 3 x 40 x 10kg

    Aug 29

    Hang Clean
    4 x 83.5kg
    6 x 83.5kg
    1 x 91.5kg

    1 x 10 x 17kg
    3 x 10 x 18.5kg

    Barbell Reverse Lunges
    8 x 58.5kg

    Lunge Jumps
    4 x 8

    SL Hops w DB in hand
    4 x 20 x 17kg

    Ab Wheel Kneeling
    3 x 15

    Aug 30

    Shoulder Press
    4 x 9 x 18.5kg

    4 x 20

    Bicep Curl
    4 x 9 x 41.5kg

    Lat/Front Raises
    4 x 10 x 5kg/7.5kg

    Press Ups
    4 x 20

    3 x 40 x 10kg

    3 x 30 x 10kg