Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    Aug 1

    Track Work
    200m, 150m falling. 23.50 PB, 17.28

    DAMN! I nailed that 200m, got a really smooth bend and worked on rhythmical arm drive in the last 50m without fading at all. Almost a pb in the 150m and there wasn’t even a tailwind.

    A1 Weighted Dips
    1 x 12 x 15kg
    1 x 12 x 17.5kg
    1 x 12 x 20kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    Ab Circuit, 2 x 4 mins

    Aug 3

    Track Work
    Blocks 2×20, 2×30, 2x40m
    2 x 2 x Flying 25m

    Glute-Ham Raises
    3 x 8

    A1 Squat to Stand
    2 x 6

    A2 Full Squats
    8 x 71kg
    6 x 78.5kg
    5 x 81kg
    4 x 83.5kg

    Ab Bridges, 9 mins

    Aug 5

    Track Work
    Blocks 2 x 30, 2 x 40m
    80, 100, 120m falling. 9.20 PB, 11.48, 13.71.

    Did NOT expect that in the first run, I mean if felt good but not pb shape. only 0.04 off my 100m training pb so that backed up the form.

    Muscle Ups
    7, 4

    20, 20

    Aug 6

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 16.5kg

    Full Squats
    8 x 73.5kg
    5 x 83.5kg
    4 x 86kg
    4 x 88.5kg

    Drop Jumps
    3 x 5

    Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps & 3 mins bridges

    Aug 8

    Track Work
    3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 26.1, 26.3, 27.7 26.0, 27.1

    Always like doing these two days before my races. The runs were submax but rather than doing them relaxed I had to actively slow on the straight on two of the reps to stop me hitting my normal target times (before a race I try to do these runs in 27 flat). Finishing with a warm down then some long static stretching tonight, quick soft tissue work tomorrow morning then rest up for race day.

    Aug 10

    Race Day

    I felt about 7/10 today, perhaps doing a little too much deep tissue massage the night before but in all honesty I have one eye on the race at the end of the month and whatever I do today I hope to improve on by then.

    100m – 11.70 SB +1.7

    Very nice wind which I feel I didn’t take advantage of. My start was way too tense and I powered it to 25m before relaxing and finishing nicely. It’s a season’s best and the 2nd fastest electronic time i’ve run.

    200m – 23.83 PB +2.1

    Slightly illegal wind and a mere hundredth off my pb. My only problem with that run from start to finish was perhaps my reaction time and block clearance, other than that I was really pleased with my finishing strength. I’m finishing so well that I might think about putting more into the bend and seeing if I can hold on at the end.

    I ran 11.4 and 23.5 in training and this backs up my general calculation of +0.3 secs to get what i’d run in a race. At the start of the season I wrote down target times of 11.2 and 23.0 for training so if I can get nearer to those in the next few weeks it would give me a lot of confidence for the final race of the season.

    Aug 11

    A1 Weighted Dips
    12 x 20kg
    12 x 21.25kg
    12 x 22.5kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    Aug 12

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 16.5kg

    Full Squats
    8 x 76kg
    5 x 86kg
    4 x 91kg
    4 x 96kg

    Drop Jumps
    3 x 5

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps, 3 mins bridges

    Aug 14

    Track Work

    200m, 150m falling. 23.57, 17.11 PB

    So pleased to repeat a similar time in the 200m and then to go and take a tenth of a second off my 150m training pb. I set out harder in the 200 and could feel myself fading with 50m to go, and I prefer being strong at the end so i’ll stick with my conservative bend running.

    A1 Weighted Dips
    3 x 12 x 22.5kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    Ab Circuit, 6 mins