Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    9 Jul

    Vert Test – 20+ jumps with a best of 71cm/28″

    I shouldn’t take it for granted that I can consistently jump 70cm+ each week, I didn’t feel amazing or springy today so it was a solid effort.

    PHASE 6

    WEEK 21

    12 Jul

    Single Step Accel – 2 sets
    Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
    Skip Bounds – 4 sets
    Practice Jumps – 6 per side, LR = 70cm, RL = below 68cm
    Triple CC – 4 sets, 120kg Hex DL
    Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
    Agility Drill – 2 sets

    I know my jumps are weaker going right-left, so I measured each separately. I couldn’t even touch 68cm which in hindsight was a high starting point considering there’s a clear difference between each side (i.e. certainly 2cm+). I had to do some hex DL and my adductors on both sides felt very weak, and they continued to feel weak during RLESS.

    14 Jul

    Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
    Hamstring ISO – 3 sets
    Resistance Band Adductor – 15 x 3 sec ISO
    Back Squat – 8 x 60kg, 8 x 70kg, 8 x 80kg, 8 x 85kg

    My adductors were having none of it in the warm up and they were so tender I wouldn’t trust myself to jump on the spot, let alone do sprints and bounds. I did the final two exercises of what should be Day 3, then I did some adductor work to warm them up before trying some squats.

    WEEK 21 (take 2)

    16 Jul

    Single Step Accel – 2 sets
    Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
    Skip Bounds – 4 sets
    Practice Jumps – 18 mins working on block foot
    Triple CC – 4 sets, 125kg Hex DL
    Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
    Agility Drill – 2 sets

    I reviewed the practice jumps when I got home and was annoyed that there were clear improvements I could have made at the time if I’d known. While I was angling my block foot well, it was planted too far from my penultimate. I also wasn’t sure which arm to reach with depending on the approach but watching the vid one was clearly far more natural than the other. Work to be done.

    17 Jul

    Hip/Hamstring Superset
    Ab/Hip Superset
    Lower Abs – 3 sets
    Lower Back – 2 sets
    Rowing Machine – 3km in 2:10/500m pace

    Great session this, my hips are a mess and need this sort of strengthening and mobility. I finished with a 3km row instead of a jog, it was meant to be a chilled pace but I took it out a bit fast and felt obligated to maintain it.

    19 Jul

    Sprint – 6 x 54m in 8.85, 9.06, 8.15, 8.38, 8.21, 8.49
    Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg. Left: best of 4.30, Right: best of 4.61
    Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
    Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
    Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
    Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

    The sprints were in phase 2 (?) and my fastest was 8.26 so I was taken aback at my 8.15 given the ground was wet and I was holding back. I sprinted at Uni and I could tell I was really covering ground in my acceleration so I believe it was a legit time. To be fair the times are still slow, I’ll go to a track either next week or the one after and see what I can really do. Speed hops were also at 90% and I was ecstatic to get through the session feeling so good. The broad jumps and hurdle jumps were also from previous phases, so far less new content.

    20 Jul

    Hip/Hamstring Superset
    Ab/Hip Superset
    Lower Abs – 3 sets
    Lower Back – 2 sets

    21 Jul

    Single Step Accel – 2 sets
    Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
    Skip Bounds – 4 sets
    Practice Jumps – 15 total, RL = 67cm, LR = 73cm
    Triple CC – 4 sets, 130kg Hex DL
    Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
    Agility Drill – 2 sets

    My hip flexors are still knackered from the hopping on Day 3 but I could still move around. My jumps were better, I worked on “push”, “punch” cues as well as accelerating through the jump. Only 1cm off my PB with a left-right takeoff, I moved it to 75cm rather than try to match my PB but wasn’t able to touch it. Hex DL was better, my adductors are getting stronger each session and I’m adding 5kg every time.