Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    PHASE 3

    WEEK 9

    2-3 Apr

    Deload. I had an epsom salts bath, did additional mobility and one light cardio session.

    5 Apr

    3 Jump Variations – 3 sets each
    Jump Practice – 10 mins
    RLESS Variation – 3 sets

    Good session, nice to be back. I managed a 67cm/26.4″ vert from a 2 step approach during the warm up, then didn’t better that the whole session. Technique is still hit and miss, I feel like I could hit one jump perfectly and get another 1.5 inches.

    6 Apr

    Core/balance/feet supersets

    7 Apr

    OH Squat – 2 sets
    Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
    Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
    Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
    Reverse Plank – 3 sets
    Balance Exercise – 2 sets

    Great workout, the lateral exercises took a bit of getting used to, I had to refer back to the video a few times between sets to be sure I’m doing the right thing. I don’t play basketball but this will have great carryover to rugby once I start that up again.

    Here’s the 293cm from a 2 step, only 11.8cm/4.6″ from the rim.