1 Sept
CMJ – 56cm
SL Box Jumps – 4 x 12 (per leg)
Box Jumps – 4 x 6
18″ Depth Jumps – 4 x 5
Jump Squats – 4 x 10 x 27.5kg
RDL – 4 x 5 x 87.5kg
A1 Squat – 4 x 5 x 107.5kg
A2 Poliquin Step Up – 3 x 8 x 20kg
First set of squats were belted as I wasn’t feeling it today. Jumps felt sluggish which is reflected in my CMJ, quite heavy legs from all this training. Will make a point of increasing recovery measures for the final weeks.
2 Sept
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 87.5kg
BB Rows – 3 x 6 x 75kg
Crunchy Frog Abs – 3 x 20
5 Sept
Squat – 4 x 5 x 107.5kg
Hex DL – 4 x 5 x 120kg
Jump Squats – 4 x 10 x 27.5kg
18″ Depth Jumps – 4 x 5
Box Jumps – 4 x 6
SL Box Jumps – 4 x 12 (per leg)
Again almost 2 hours of training including the warm up. I banged my shins doing box jumps as I went for height and didn’t travel across enough. I like this more than Vert Shock because I’m still lifting weights and despite it not being the focus I’m gaining back a little more of my strength.
6 Sept
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 90kg
BB Rows – 4 x 5 x 80kg
Chin Ups – 3 x 8
Short on time, which happens a lot lately. The only thing I skipped was overhead press so it isn’t a problem. My schedule is different for the final weeks so I just shifted everything forward by one day, meaning legs are going to be Mon & Thurs instead of Sun & Wed.
Good week despite the banged up shins form the failed jump, part of improving is putting yourself through sessions where you almost feel tired before you’ve started. The rewards come when you allow your body a full rest, something I’ll get in two weeks time.