couch to 5k training program beginner

Couch To 5k – A Beginner Running Program

If you need a Beginner Running Program, this popular routine known as “Couch to 5k” is perfect.

It starts off with interval running, meaning you take regular breaks in order to reach your total distance.

A lot of people under-estimate how tough it is to run at a steady pace, and so get disheartened and quit. This program starts off really slowly, and by week 7 has you running non-stop for 25 minutes.

Warm Up

Be sure to warm-up before you do each session, check out the video below for a great 5 minute warm up.

Couch To 5k Running Program

So here is the program (below). Note that Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 doesn’t mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, they are just the three days of the week you choose to run on. I recommend leaving at least a day between runs in order to allow recovery.

The multiplier is the number of reps to complete, so day 1 involves running for 60 seconds 8 times with 90 seconds of walking between each run. Don’t set off too fast, it’s better for all your runs to be at a similar speed. A lot of beginners will underestimate how much slower they’ll be running by the 6th, 7th and 8th reps!

couch to 5k running plan
The Couch to 5k Training Plan

Consider downloading a HIIT Timer App that will allow you to set a “work” and “rest” interval that repeats itself. This will allow you to complete weeks 1 & 2 by simply running and walking when your phone beeps.

Good luck with your training. Feel free to share this program with your friends!

Fraser Young
Fraser Young

Site owner. I'm a graduate in Sports Science and have an MSc in Sports Biomechanics. I set up 9to5strength in 2015 as a resource for people interested in strength training, nutrition and fitness. I consider myself a fitness blogger and enjoy creating YouTube videos and trying out workout programs.