Reply To: 2012 Training Log


    Dec 3

    Staircase Sprint
    3 x 3 sets

    Staircase Bounds
    3 x 2 x double steps

    Sumo Deadlift
    3 x 3 x 118.5kg

    2 x 5

    Sliding Leg Curl
    2 x 8

    Dec 4

    Bench Press
    3 x 94.5kg
    3 x 96kg
    3 x 97kg

    followed by Explosive pushups x 5

    Alternate DB Curls
    2 x 9 x 19kg

    Ab Ripper X
    Complete – 350 reps

    Dec 6

    Back Squats
    8 x 108.5kg
    8 x 118.5kg

    2 x 8 x 68.5kg

    2 x 8 x 28kg

    Dec 8

    Overhead Press
    5 x 52kg
    5 x 60kg
    6 x 68kg

    Alternate T-Bar Press
    3 x 8 x 35kg

    Weighted Pullups
    3 x 8 x 7.5kg

    Weighted Dips
    3 x 18 x 7.5kg

    Dec 9

    Staircase Sprint
    3 x 3 sets

    Staircase Bound
    3 x doubles

    Sumo Deadlift
    5 x 101kg
    5 x 116kg
    7 x 132kg

    3 x 5

    Sliding Leg Curl
    3 x 8

    Dec 10

    Bench Press
    5 x 72kg
    5 x 83kg
    7 x 94kg

    Alternate DB Curls
    3 x 7 x 20kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    3 x 8 x 78.5kg

    Rotator Cuff
    2 x 3 x 10

    Ab Ripper X to follow later this evening.

    Dec 11

    Back Squats
    8 x 108.5kg
    8 x 118.5kg
    3 x 126kg

    3 x 8 x 28kg

    Pause Squat (5 sec ISO)
    5 x 58.5kg

    Dec 13

    Track Work (Real track, not shitty gravel track in my home town)

    6 x 400m (~8 mins rest) 5 in 72 secs, last one in 64.8 secs

    Ironman Weights (First Series 30-60 secs rest, 2 sec concentric 4 sec eccentric)

    Lat Pulldown 2 x 12 x 35kg
    Split Squat 2 x 12 x 10kg
    Press ups 2 x 8
    Hip Thrust 2 x 12
    DB Pullover 2 x 12 x 13.5kg
    Decline Pushups 2 x 12
    DB Bicep Curl 2 x 12 x 9kg
    Tricep Kickback 2 x 12 x 1.5kg

    Bird Dogs 2 x 12
    Side Bridge 2 x 40 secs
    Front Bridge 2 x 60 secs
    DB Side Bends 2 x 15 x 9kg
    Press up Hand Walks 2 x 20

    First things first, track. My friend is training for Ironman and was doing 10 x 400m with 4-5 mins rest, and I did reps 1,3,5,7,8 and we raced the final rep. Having done that there was NO chance of me doing RLESS when I came home so instead I joined him for his weights session, which we ended up going through twice. Some of the exercises like split squat, hip thrust and bicep curls were really tough in the 2X4 (or 4X2) tempo format and as long as they don’t blunt my max. strength noticeably i’m happy to include that session every week as it’s a little something different and had me way out my comfort zone.

    Dec 14

    Overhead Press
    3 x 56kg
    3 x 64kg
    2 x 72kg
    3 x 8 x 48.5kg

    Chin Ups
    3 x 11

    3 x 25

    Dec 16

    Staircase Sprint
    3 x 3 sets

    Pause Squats (5 sec ISO)
    5 x 63.5kg
    5 x 68.5kg

    Sumo Deadlift
    3 x 108.5kg
    3 x 124kg
    3 x 140kg

    3 x 5

    Sliding Leg Curl
    3 x 8

    Dec 17

    Bench Press
    3 x 77kg
    3 x 88kg
    6 x 100kg

    Alternate DB Curls
    3 x 7 x 20kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    3 x 6 x 83.5kg

    Rotator Cuff
    2 x 2 x 10

    Ab Ripper X

    Dec 20

    Pause Squats
    5 x 68.5kg
    5 x 73.5kg
    5 x 78.5kg

    3 x 8 x 68.5kg

    3 x 8 x 28kg

    Calf Lowers
    2 x 25

    Dec 21

    Overhead Press
    3 x 8 x 53.5kg

    3 x 25

    Chin Ups
    3 x 12

    Half-Kneeling Cable Lift
    3 x 10 x 5kg

    Ab Wheel
    2 x 15

    RKC Plank
    45 secs

    Dec 23

    Sumo Deadlift
    5 x 116kg
    3 x 132kg
    1 x 148kg

    GHR 3 x 5

    Sliding Leg Curl
    3 x 9

    Dec 24

    Bench Press
    5 x 83kg
    3 x 94kg
    2 x 106kg

    Alternate DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 20kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    3 x 6 x 83.5kg

    Rotateor Cuff
    2 x 2 x 10

    Ab Ripper X

    Dec 25

    20km Bike

    It was very muddy where we went and although a few km were on road the majority of it was rough terrain and annoyingly was so bad in places my tyres were slipping and I had to walk the bike. Between us my mate and I fell over about 40 times and gaining any fitness out of it wasn’t really possible. Good fun though.

    Dec 27

    Pause Squats
    5 x 78.5kg
    5 x 83.5kg
    5 x 88.5kg

    3 x 8 x 68.5kg

    3 x 8 x 29kg

    Single Leg Calf Lowers
    2 x 25

    Bare Foot Treadmill Walk
    37 mins, 3 degree incline, 5.8kph

    Dec 28

    Overhead Press
    3 x 8 x 53.5kg

    3 x 25

    Chin Ups
    3 x 12

    Half-Kneeling Cable Lift
    3 x 10

    Ab Wheel Standing
    3 x 5

    Dec 30

    Sumo Deadlift
    5 x 104kg
    5 x 120kg
    7 x 136kg

    3 x 5

    Sliding Leg Curl
    3 x 9

    Dec 31

    Bench Press
    5 x 73kg
    5 x 84kg
    7 x 96kg

    DB Curls
    3 x 8 x 20kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    3 x 6 x 83.5kg

    Note: This year started off in Loughborough, where I took on a full time position in a bar around March. That lasted until early July, I then did ~ 3 weeks of bar work during the Olympics before living with my parents in Crowborough for the rest of the year. I had given up competitive sprinting and was only playing rugby as something to do, so most of the year was a bit aimless.